Mrs. Einhaus joined Calvary Chapel School in 2005 as a volunteer when her 2 daughters began their k4 and 2nd grade years of school. She then became a full-time teacher at CCS in 2006. She has taught 7th grade, 6th & 8th grade history, 4th grade, and also 5th grade science. She took a few years off when she had her son and returned to teach part-time as the Resource lead teacher, and substitute teacher when needed here at CCS.
Mrs. Einhaus has a bachelor's degree in business management, a fine arts minor, and an apparel design & technology minor from Purdue University. She has managed Toys R Us stores in Chicago and Bath and Body Works stores and Bank of America banking centers here in Florida. She has also attended multiple ABEKA and teacher training sessions from Pensacola Christian College and ACSI seminars.
Mrs. Einhaus and her husband have been together since 1993. They are both originally from Indiana and moved to Florida in 1997. Since moving to Florida, they have had 2 daughters and 1 son. All 3 of their children have attended or are currently attending Calvary Chapel School.
The things she loves the most about working at Calvary Chapel School is the passion for the Lord that the entire staff has, the family atmosphere, the way the staff is able to pour out Christ in every subject and activity, and being able to work with all the amazing families the Lord brings through this amazing school.